The <area> element

Represents a clickable area on a client-side image map, along with the link that should be followed if it's clicked on.

This is an empty element, so it shouldn't have a closing tag.

Full list of attributes

All the usual HTML global attributes are available

A description of the link that, combined with the alt value for the image itself, allows people who can't see the image to choose whether to follow the link.
The coordinates which define the exact position and size of the shape of the clickable area, as a list of numbers separated by commas.
If present, the URI should be downloaded instead of loaded into the browser window.
The URI of the link that will be followed, or the resource that will be downloaded, if the user clicks on this area of the map.
The language the linked page is written in.
URIs to send pings to when the area is clicked, to allow them to count the number of clicks.
The relationship the linked page has with this document.
Selects one of several different kinds of shapes which can be drawn using the coords attribute. Valid values are circle, default, poly, or rect.
The browser context to load the link in.
The MIME type of the resource at the destination URI.

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